
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

i am one happy momma..

Location: servay hypermarket, penampang 

Time: lunch time

walking around at the Diapers area.. pusing2 comparing and analysing the prices as always ‘cos I am a wise-picky momma haha.. ceh! But really.. the prices are keep on changing..  I’ve been doing the diapers shopping for almost 3 years in a row now and doing this at least 2-3times at every month! So I know exactly the price that I want yg sa rasa saya tdk tertipu oleh marketing strategy..and I know EXACTLY when the hypermarket are really doing their PROMOTION! Haha.. this is a good thing being a diaperholic! Today I was really got a langkah kanan going to servay.. Huggies are doing their promotion for the huggies pants! The price was about RM5 cheaper than usual.. nasib baik sa Nampak!! i was feel like want to grab 3 packs but since the payday is still too far and far away.. so I just take 1 and walk to the nearest cashier with a big guilty feelings…. And I asked the girl at the counter.. sampai bila promotion huggies tu aa..? then the girl replied (SO LISTEN CAREFULLY THIS IS THE MAIN REASON WHY I WROTE THIS POST;) ..listen what the girl says to me..)” ko ada baby sdh ka??  and I was so feel like muka sa minta puji..sambil menjawab.. eh, 2 org sdh ba anak sia ni..ekekekke…  the girl seems to wanted to say something again.. I can see at her face that she was surprised knowing that i have kids .. but my phone ringing!! Grrrr… my hubs calling issk..mengganggu sa punya moment of fame btl!!   

so really feels good when someone compliments you.. ya I took what the cashier girl said as a sincere compliments and it really make me happy for a moment, those words really brighten up my day..   Receiving such compliment from a stranger is feeling like they’re lifting up your spirit and increases your level of confident for the day.  I am not trying to being lupa diri, I am VERY PROUD being a mother but when people mistaken or thought that you’re not.. it probably because of you look younger than your actual age or it might because of the way we dressed up or because of our ‘physical’ appearance..  

so let me compare the feelings..;
the staff/ teachers at taska where I sent my son called me ‘aunty’ .. and that makes me feel so old.. sa imagine muka mama sa ja bila dorg panggil sa anty hahaha...! even I know that was only just a ‘panggilan’ that they use to call the parents.. but! It still uncool hehe

so as for me, compliments are always appreciated as long as they are sincere..

four of us and my niece

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